продавець: HNpal Industry Limited
Китай, Zhengzhou, Hongzhuan road


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low noise conveyor roller

low noise conveyor roller

low noise conveyor roller
50,00 EUR
за пару
мінімум: 1
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Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller. When UHMW_PE low noise roller is in operation.it does not harm the belt, light weight, easy installation, effectively reducing operating costs, saving electricity; At the same time, it does not pollute the environment, so it is the preferred roller for conveyor equipment today and in the future Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller. 下载 视频
Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller.
When UHMW_PE low noise roller is in operation.it does not harm the belt, light weight, easy installation, effectively reducing operating costs, saving electricity; At the same time, it does not pollute the environment, so it is the preferred roller for conveyor equipment today and in the future

Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller.
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Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller.
When UHMW_PE low noise roller is in operation.it does not harm the belt, light weight, easy installation, effectively reducing operating costs, saving electricity; At the same time, it does not pollute the environment, so it is the preferred roller for conveyor equipment today and in the future

Low noise uhmw-pe roller can effectively reduce the noise pollution generated by the conveyor. The radial runout is less than or equal to 0.1mm. Warranty up to 80000hours , which service life is 2-3 times that of the same type of roller.
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