продавець: HNpal Industry Limited
Китай, Zhengzhou, Hongzhuan road


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50,00 USD
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Pulley Belt conveyor combine with motors, pulleys, belt and rollers. The function of the drive pulley is to transfer the drive force from the pulley surface to the belt; in consequence, the quality of pulleys is the major part of the conveyor running smoothly. HNPAL focus on the structural design and production process, also develop our own stress analysis of the program counter to maintain the production process. A smooth angle “R”, made by processing in the shell to end disc welds, influences stress-bearing and the service life. HNPAL Conveyor Pulley corresponds ISO standard and can be customized 下载 视频
Belt conveyor combine with motors, pulleys, belt and rollers.
The function of the drive pulley is to transfer the drive force from the pulley surface to the belt; in consequence, the quality of pulleys is the major part of the conveyor running smoothly. HNPAL focus on the structural design and production process, also develop our own stress analysis of the program counter to maintain the production process.

A smooth angle “R”, made by processing in the shell to end disc welds, influences stress-bearing and the service life. HNPAL Conveyor Pulley corresponds ISO standard and can be customized

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Belt conveyor combine with motors, pulleys, belt and rollers.
The function of the drive pulley is to transfer the drive force from the pulley surface to the belt; in consequence, the quality of pulleys is the major part of the conveyor running smoothly. HNPAL focus on the structural design and production process, also develop our own stress analysis of the program counter to maintain the production process.

A smooth angle “R”, made by processing in the shell to end disc welds, influences stress-bearing and the service life. HNPAL Conveyor Pulley corresponds ISO standard and can be customized

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Артикул: 8431390000

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