продавець: HNpal Industry Limited
Китай, Zhengzhou, Hongzhuan road


показати телефон
impact bed

impact bed

impact bed
80,00 USD
за комплект
мінімум: 1
тільки опт
під замовлення
☎ показати телефон
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Передзвоніть мені
The load zone can be a very harsh environment on conveyor systems, including the belts and the supporting components. Large or heavy material falling on to the conveyor belt can easily cause the conveyor belt to tear or damage the components supporting the belt.HNPAL Industry Impact Beds are manufactured and designed to absorb the impact of large/heavy material and support the entire belt in the load zones. The heavy duty constructed frame slides apart in two sections, allowing for the easy removal and replacement of the impact bars, reducing maintenance and down time costs. 下载视频
The load zone can be a very harsh environment on conveyor systems, including the belts and the supporting components. Large or heavy material falling on to the conveyor belt can easily cause the conveyor belt to tear or damage the components supporting the belt.HNPAL Industry Impact Beds are manufactured and designed to absorb the impact of large/heavy material and support the entire belt in the load zones. The heavy duty constructed frame slides apart in two sections, allowing for the easy removal and replacement of the impact bars, reducing maintenance and down time costs.
The load zone can be a very harsh environment on conveyor systems, including the belts and the supporting components. Large or heavy material falling on to the conveyor belt can easily cause the conveyor belt to tear or damage the components supporting the belt.HNPAL Industry Impact Beds are manufactured and designed to absorb the impact of large/heavy material and support the entire belt in the load zones. The heavy duty constructed frame slides apart in two sections, allowing for the easy removal and replacement of the impact bars, reducing maintenance and down time costs.

Артикул: 8431390000

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